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CNC Custom Shape cutting

CNC routers are essentially large computer-controlled drills which can cut shapes from sheet materials — usually Plastic, but…

C.N.C Cut to size and custom shape

We uses the most advanced cutting equipment available to produce the finest quality cut to size plastic parts in…

CNC Cutting 3d Letters

Our CNC Router and high-speed cutter produces finely finished 3D letters, displays and folded boxes, custom cut shaped displays and signs.

C.N.C. Programming – Submit your design

CNC Machining, Injection Molding & 3D Printing, Submit your design for a quote or get pricing instantly.

CNC Custom Designs and Engraving

CNC Custom Designs and Engraving

A.L. Plastics  provide professional CNC cutting, engraving, routing and design services, We specialize in custom projects such as indoor and outdoor signs,…

Acrylic Catalog Holder

Acrylic Catalog Holder